How Can We Help?
This page provides details about the date of each sale, the total sales amount, the amount of money you’ve turned in, and the location where the funds were sent.
1. Go to Deposits List
See all deposited records and status. Click +ADD to register a deposits
2. Register New Deposits
- Date of Sales. Select Date of sales you want to deposits. Total Sales will be automatically display based on the sales amount of the date selected.
- Total Remittances. Enter the amount of your remittances.
- Accounts. Select the account where you want to deposit (e.g Bank).
- Tick on the box if it is already remitted.
- Click on SAVE to proceed.
3. Update Deposit
You can still update the deposit you register, however it is only possible to those deposit that are still not remitted.
Go to List of Deposits > Action > Update icon (pencil icon)
Deposits that have been marked as ‘Remitted’ will not display the update or delete icons, indicating that they cannot be modified or removed.